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Pupil Leaders

Young Governors: Our young governors group are made up of two representatives from Years 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

We meet every Friday to discuss issues that affect us in school and share ideas about things we want to change or improve in our school.

We are involved in making decisions in school. We ensure that all children are heard as it is our school and want to make it the very best school it can be. The school council are also members of the Safety and Advisory group that is made up of teachers, governors, pupils and members of the local authority.

We are also involved in fundraising in school especially during Lent.

The Young Governors are invaluable in helping the school to listen to and understand pupil's views.

Altar Servers

Altar Servers carry out a vital role at our weekly Friday morning mass. They serve with deep reverence and prayerfulness in accordance with their training.

Altar Servers from Key Stage 2 are always ready and willing to carry out their duties joyfully.

We are extremely proud of them.

Play Leaders

Some pupils from Year 4, 5 and 6 have received Play Leader Training. The aim of the training is to develop leadership skills and communication to deliver games sessions to fellow pupils. Through this training, the children develop vital cognitive skills, such as decision making and analysis, as well as social skills, such as teamwork and communication (as per Our Lady's PE and School Sport Vision Statement).

The Play Leaders have been delivering games sessions to other pupils in the playground at lunchtimes and are making a big difference to younger children by helping them develop ball skills and teamwork. Well done and thank you!

Liturgy Leaders

Our Lady's Liturgy Leaders from KS2 classes make up our Chaplaincy Team. The aims of the team are:

  • To help the school to grow as a community of faith.
  • To encourage the pupils to live their faith in daily living.
  • To support Liturgy, prayer and the spiritual life of the school.
  • To involve pupils in fundraising for charities.
  • To continue to develop strong links with the Parish.
  • To support the school in its Mission.

The team have a wide range of duties, including:

  • Helping to plan and lead assemblies and Masses.
  • Organising and leading class prayer times with other pupils.
  • Lead lunchtime prayer opportunities throughout the year eg. Rosary, Prayer Garden, Stations of the Cross.
  • Ensuring that Class prayer areas are tidy and reflect the season.
  • Organising fund raising for charity.
  • Supporting younger children with their spiritual development.

Our RE Ambassadors look forward to welcoming you to our school.

UNICEF Steering Group

Our RRSA Steering Group are keen to promote the values which underpin the UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools Award and ensure the well-being of all children at Our Lady's School.

The children are working diligently to support our whole school progress towards achieving the Level One Award.

We are progressing in the following ways:

  • Teaching and Learning about rights: for the whole school community through training, curriculum, assemblies, topics, focus days/weeks, displays.
  • Teaching and Learning through rights: by modelling rights respecting language and attitudes, and making strategic decisions that involve students.
  • Being ambassadors for the rights of others: developing as rights respecting citizens.

Year 6 Monitors

When pupils begin Year 6 they receive the wonderful privilege of serving their friends, family, school and parish through taking on extra responsibilities.

Every Year 6 child is given the opportunity to apply for and be given responsibilities ranging from Tuck Shop Management or Key Stage 1 Play Monitor to Recycling Managers or Reading Mentors.

Our Year 6 pupils always adopt their responsibilities sensibly and contribute effectively through helping others.