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Pupil Premium

Our Core Aims

Our school is a Catholic learning community in which all pupils, irrespective of their background or the challenges they face, are provided with the opportunity to flourish as an exceptional, whole and complete person in a way that is rooted firmly in the values of the Gospel. We follow our dreams using the guiding of light of Jesus.

Our intention is that all pupils, irrespective of their background or the challenges they face, make good or better progress and achieve high attainment across all subject areas. To achieve this we will focus on the following targets:

  • To raise the attainment and progress of pupils eligible for pupil premium funding so that their performance compares favourably with Non-Pupil Premium peers.
  • Address inequalities in education of pupils eligible for pupil premium to raise attainment of these pupils.


Pupil Premium is a funding stream allocated by the government. This funding is given to schools based upon the number of pupils, in school, who are eligible to claim Free School Meals (FSM), are Looked After or who are children of Service Personnel.

Each year the Government undertake a census of schools to determine the number of pupils who are eligible for Pupil Premium. Based on this information schools receive the grant in April for the next financial year.

This funding is allocated to initiatives in school which are aimed at maximizing a child's potential, both academically and socially.

The Pupil Premium Strategy Statement above gives more details about how the grant will be spent. It includes the following ways:

  • Support Teaching and Learning - Enabling staff to take part in development opportunities and attend effective training. Also, providing consultancy support to advise on strategies and ensure effective feedback for all pupils.
  • Mentoring and Well-Being Support (including transition)- Providing a daily breakfast club offering pupils a light breakfast to ensure a healthy start to the day and improve concentration. School rewards are presented to encourage 100% attendance. Delivering the PATHS programme to all pupils and offering pupil mentoring, where appropriate.
  • Support for Learning: Technology - Increasing the number of iPads available for pupils to increase motivation and engagement.
  • Targeted Support Groups (Literacy and Numeracy) - Providing intensive one to one/small group tutoring in Numeracy and Literacy over a set period of time to enable pupils to catch up with their peers. Introducing an additional tutor for more able pupils to enhance progress. Also, supporting the overall development of literacy and numeracy skills throughout our whole school.
  • Participation in Enrichment Activities - Ensuring that pupils entitled to free school meals are supported to participate in educational trips and visits, extracurricular activities and other opportunities to boost learning, including support for enrichment and topic days impacting positively on pupil experiences, aspirations and motivation.
  • Pupil Tracking - All members of staff are supported in overseeing the progress of pupil premium pupils, providing additional intervention, where necessary to make sure they reach their full potential. The impact of these actions is then evaluated. Evaluations will focus on improvements in achievement and how self-confidence has developed, as a consequence of the intervention.

Please read the Pupil Premium Strategy Statement which gives details of our Pupil Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.

The school carries out an annual review to assess the impact of the allocation of funding.

Department for Education
Articles and advice for children and young people.