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Attendance Procedures

At our school we promote good attendance to enable pupils to take full advantage of the educational opportunities we offer. Our Pastoral Manager monitors attendance regularly and works closely with families to support good attendance.

We ask parents to ensure that children arrive at school in good time for registration each day. The school day begins at 8.55am and all children should be in class, ready to learn by this time.

At our school the staff, parents and children recognise that attendance and punctuality are vitally important for a number of reasons, all of which greatly impact children's learning, achievement and social and emotional development. It is very challenging to catch up on missed work and learning opportunities.

We reward classes weekly for good attendance in Monday assembly. Children who achieve 100% across a half term win a golden ticket, this ticket is an invitation to a special event and reward.

What To Do if Your Child is Absent from School

Please phone on the first day of absence leaving your child's name, class and reason for absence. This needs to be done every day that your child is absent from school. These messages may be left on the school's answer phone, or delivered in person.

If we have not heard from a parent by 9.30am as to why their child is absent from school, we will ring all of the contact numbers registered for that child until contact is made.

Medical Appointments

If possible, please advise the office beforehand if children have to attend a medical appointment during school hours. Please sign them in and out of school at the main office.

Leave of Absence during Term Time

Parents are requested not to take their children on holiday during term time and holidays taken during term time are classed as unauthorised unless prior authorisation has been granted by the Headteacher.

The school may legally authorise a request for leave where there are 'exceptional circumstances' only. Please contact the office for further information.

The Impact of Non-Attendance

We cannot stress enough how vitally important good attendance is in ensuring your child makes good progress. If they are regularly late or missing days on a regular basis, this leads to the child falling behind in their learning.

Days of Education Attendance Status Note
190 school days 100% Good Gives your child the best chance of success and gets them off to a flying start.
180 school days =
10 days absence
171 school days =
19 days absence
90% Worrying Less chance of success. Makes it harder to make progress.
161 school days =
29 days absence
(half a term missed)
85% Persistent absentee.
Serious concern.
Not fair on your child. Their learning and progress is seriously affected. Could lead to court action.
152 school days =
38 days absence
143 school days =
47 days absence