Uniform Information
We are proud of our school uniform as it gives us a sense of belonging. We are a family here at Our Lady's and can be recognised by our blue and grey uniform.
We ask all children to come to school in the correct uniform.
![]() Our summer and winter uniform |
![]() PE kit |
Our Uniform
School uniform is compulsory and worn throughout the school. All items must be clearly labelled.
Items with the school logo on them may be purchased from
PB Sports,
Unit 8 Waterloo Avenue,
Chelmsley Wood Industrial Estate,
B36 6QQ.
Boys: Winter
- Grey/navy blue formal trousers
- White shirt or pale blue polo shirt
- Navy blue sweatshirt/jumper with school badge where possible
- Dark socks
- Sensible black shoes - flat heeled (not boots)
Boys: Summer
- Grey/navy blue trousers or grey/navy blue shorts
- White/pale blue polo shirt with school badge where possible
- Dark socks
- Black shoes (not boots, trainers, or fashion shoes)
Girls: Winter
- Grey or navy skirt ('a' line or pleated, of recognised school uniform style and length, ie. approximately knee length) or trousers
- White blouse
- Blue sweatshirt or jumper with school badge where possible
- White socks or dark tights with skirts
- Dark socks or tights with trousers
- Low heeled black shoes which give adequate support (not boots, trainers or fashion shoes)
Girls: Summer
- Blue/white gingham summer dress
- White socks
Parents are advised to provide a sun hat in warm, sunny weather.
PE Kit
All children need:
- Black pumps
- A white or blue t-shirt
- Navy, white or black shorts
These must be kept in a pump bag in the cloakroom, but should be taken home regularly for washing and should never be left over a holiday period.
For games lessons in the Autumn and Spring term:
- Outdoor trousers/jogging bottoms can be worn in KS2 only (7-11 year olds)
- White t-shirt
- Outdoor trainers
Swimming costume/trunks and a towel are required for swimming lessons. These should be in a waterproof bag. Swimming hats should be worn if a child has long hair.
Black shoes should be worn to and from school and during the school day unless otherwise directed by a member of staff.
The school places great emphasis on standards of appearance and for hair to be acceptable it must be of a neat and presentable style. Styles such as tram lines, shapes lettering and/or words shaved into the hair, colourings used to streak or change the colour of a child's hair are not allowed and will result in children being suspended from school until the offending style has been removed or has grown out - as in the case of tram lines or lettering, etc.
To ensure pupil safety the wearing of jewellery, apart from small stud earrings, is not permitted. However, no child will be allowed to take part in swimming whilst wearing any form of jewellery.